6 Men. 6 Places. Varied backgrounds. Variety of Industry. what you finally get is a "Arusuvai virundhu". This is our honest recordings of things, news, informations which influenced us in everyday's life. Viewing this from decades from now, will throw some ideas & informations of the period we lived in. The social, cultural, political & personal influecnes of our current time is reflected in this post.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

What we gain by AP's results & Naidu's Loss

It's finally out. Naidu's TDP has seen landslide / rockbottom wave in favor of congress. The fact is out that the Congress's RajaSekar Reddy will be the next CM of AP. WOW!! that should put honey into our ears.. We gotta really feel for AP more than feel for Naidu as such. RajaSekar Reddy (RSR)will be an hard-core traditional politician. The first announcement which came out from his mouth, after the victory, is to implement free electricty to farmers. That makes us jumping in joy!!...

Maybe i look crazy...not at all...Naidu's Loss is Our gain... we also know, that we will also loose bitterly over in TN (AIADMK + BJP, but what is more important from the speech of the AP's to-be CM is that he is not going to take care of IT & Software like Naidu. He even commented about Naidu on NDTV as, a lop-sided growth oriented politician and he will put more faith in other sectors than IT alone. That's the green signal for us

Which means, no more MNCs can meet CMs directly and the CM wont pitch for a MultiMillion $$$$ contract with powerpoint files. No more last minute adjustments with Bill Clinton & Bill Gates to visit Hyd. No more thinking of ITES, BPO, biotech, nanotech...all RSR is looking at providing rice at Rs.5 and giving free electricity to farmers and look after poor man's politics.

Now, Chennai as a IT center as more chance of grabbing & capitalising on the loss of Hyd. Already with a recent export predictions, chennai ranks third after bang & noida in s/w exports. With this major slide, we believe that there can be still more better options ahead of us.

We know for sure, this govt will not take any great steps in securing large MNC clients, but as a city with powerful developer community, i hope there are greener patches ahead of us.

I am just baiting my nails for things in Bangalore. I dont think there will be too much anti-incumbancy factor for SM Krishna, just in case, if he slips and a BJP led govt comes to power, still i dont think, Bang. on a whole will lose its popularity of silicon valley of the east. It's a small step for us to capitalise but a long way to go.


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