6 Men. 6 Places. Varied backgrounds. Variety of Industry. what you finally get is a "Arusuvai virundhu". This is our honest recordings of things, news, informations which influenced us in everyday's life. Viewing this from decades from now, will throw some ideas & informations of the period we lived in. The social, cultural, political & personal influecnes of our current time is reflected in this post.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Prepaid Vs Postpaid

The answer lies in your question...if we are good in maintaing monthly commitment it means we don't require debts and hence post paid. The problem of post paid is the bill systems has not matured enough and hence all sorts of headache's. Moreover we are little content people, we live with what we have at the moment(most of them), we don't spend based on future earnings without calculation(atleast me).

So pre paid is better, you pay the money which you can afford ATM and use it efficiently rather than biting the nail at the end of the month..

Well i am in post paid (its altogether a different story) ;)


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